In today’s world where technology landscapes are evolving rapidly, It was something bigger that was growing with its full potential and it’s going to be the next big industry where lots of people are going to get harmed or scammed. It has already started and here I am writing about AI Scamming.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a game changer for lots of people, almost thousands of people are using AI tools in their daily lives whether they are content creators, bloggers or freelancers. AI make lots of work easy to accomplish.

But If we only stick to the good part of it, then it’s our foolishness. If we are using it for good purposes for our benefit then remember there are also some people who are going to use it for their bad intentions, And AI Scamming is one of it parts that is going to be a big industry where lots of people are going to get traped.

When & How the AI Scamming is Growing Spread Out

It all started on Saturday at Berkshire Hathaway’s annual shareholder’s meeting, When Warren Buffett talked about AI and its capabilities where he said that AI Scamming is the next big growth industry.

At the Conference Buffet Said:

When you think about the potential for scamming people. If I was interested in investing in scamming, it gonna be the growth industry of all time and it’s enabled, in a way by AI.

Obviously, AI has the potential for good things too, but I do think, as someone who doesn’t understand a damn thing about it. It has enormous potential for good and enormous potential for harm and I just don’t know how thats play out.

As you see Waren Buffet’s words, He is pointed out that Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have a great ability to reproduce realistic and misleading content without any effort, which has an enormous potential to harm anyone.

If it gets to bad hands then definitely there is a chance that he is going to use it to harm us. If we aren’t aware of things then there is a 100% chance that we will get harmed by this.

Is AI Scamming already happening and what’s its impact on India

If someone big people like Warren Buffet addressed the problem of AI Scamming then it’s a serious issue and it’s already happening around the world.

India is also impacted by this type of AI Scam. As per the Report of Times of India, 87% of Indians have lost their money in AI Scamming.

In July 2023 — A 73-year-old retired government employee got Scammed by AI. The scam was done using AI technologies. As Reported the person who became the Victim of AI Scamming was living in Kozhikode, Kerela, India.

The victim received a call from someone who pretended to be his office colleague asking him to help with an emergency surgery. In this case of fraud, the victim got called two times using an unknown number the second time he got a video call where the victim ended up trusting the calls and finding him the real person which resulting him sending Rs.40,000/- money.

In this AI Scam, The fraudster uses the AI Voice Changer tool where he ends up duplicating the voice of the victim’s office colleague, the second time he uses AI deep fake Video generator technology which helps him gain the victim’s trust.

As we know, AI Video Generation & Voice Changer technology has lots of potential. If you compare the original and AI-generated results you can’t find any differences. If you are in the place of a victim and these types of situations come, anyone can become the target and become a part of AI Scamming.

There is also one AI scam, which was Reported by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Fraudsters are now using AI tools to create sexually explicit images to extort victims. Where they use the image to threaten victims to pay money, If they refuse or don’t send money they will share the images on social media or the Internet.

Checkout: Microsoft VASA-1 | Know Everything About the New AI Model

How we can save ourselves from these AI Scams.


In case of fake friends and colleagues calls. Do this —

  • Don’t send money first, to anyone who claims to be your friends or family.
  • Verify the number first, If it is unknown then authenticate whether it is the real person or not.

In Case of Extortion. Do this —

  • Avoid posting your pictures and videos publicly.
  • Don’t share your images or videos with strangers.
  • If you are a parent, then you should monitor where your children are posting their images and videos.
  • Limit your social media accounts to your only friends and family.


It’s clear AI Scamming is the next growth industry of 2024. When Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies started rising it increased the growth of AI Scamming and it’s happening using AI tools where lots of people got trapped.

If we don’t talk about it today then it’s probably going to increase. Around the world, these AI Scams are already happening and we have to be aware people about these scams.

My only intention is to aware people of how these AI Scams are done. To write this post I took some reports from trusted sources, which you will find below in Important Links.

If you have any questions regarding this, please don’t hesitate to comment below and share your opinions. Don’t forget to share & inform friends and family about AI Scamming.

By IsarKhan

I'm passionate about uncovering the latest trends, innovations, and strategies. Join me for insights that entertain, enlighten, and empower. Let's explore these dynamic fields together!

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